However, you probably should put your rent into an "escrow" account. 但是,你也许应该将房租向银行提存。
We can define the ideas of value and capital, profit, wages, and rent; we can resolve them into their elements, and speculate on what may influence their rising or falling,& c.without thereby taking into account the political circumstances of the nation. 我们可以为价值、资本、利润、工资和地租下定义,我们可以把它们分解成元素,从而研究足以影响它们涨落的是些什么,等等,而不必牵涉到国家的政治环境。
At the same time, there has been a big increase in the nation's monthly rent of public housing in cities and townships, with some regions increasing to account for about 10% of the income of dual income families. 同时,全国城镇公房月租金有了较大提高,部分地区提高到占双职工家庭收入的百分之十左右。
Notice of Increase in Rent on account of increase in rates or imposition of rates or by sending it by post to the tenant at his last known postal address; 业主因差饷增加或开征须向租客发出的加租通知书或按最后所知之承租人通讯地址,将通知书邮寄承租人;
Payment of rent and property management: Party B agrees to transact the payment to bank account appointed by Party A before10th of the first month for each quarter. 租金及物业治理费的交纳期限:乙方同意租金按季度于每季度的第一个月的10日前提前交付于甲方指定帐户内。
Guizhou rent tax data exists in the process of organization of multidimensional data, taking into account data quality issues need further cleaning concentrate for cleaning and processing the data to the provincial bureau. 在组织多维数据的过程中,考虑到贵州地税税收数据存在的数据质量问题,需要对清洗和加工的集中到省局的数据进行进一步清洗。